Read what a LeVOCC customer has to say...
LeVOCC™ units were installed in my school several
years ago to help eliminate airborne allergens and
odors such as urine. We were thrilled with the
immediate and noticeable improvement to the air
quality. This change was
especially welcome in the diaper-changing and
potty-training areas!
“We quickly became convinced that the system was
also extremely effective in preventing common
childhood illnesses. At one point, I had not yet
installed the units in every classroom. There were
two neighboring classrooms; one with the LeVOCC™
unit and one without. A flu bug swept through the
classroom without the unit and 14 out of the 16
children in that class came down with it. Not a
single child in the neighboring classroom with the LeVOCC™ unit fell ill.
“Given the threat of swine flu/H1N1, the fact that
Sandcastles has the LeVOCC™
system has been incredibly comforting to parents.
Many of them have commented that they appreciate our
commitment to providing the safest and healthiest
environment for their children. My teachers
certainly appreciate it too.”
Sara Sullivan, President/Owner
Sandcastles Childcare & Learning Center
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Copyright © 2011 Pro-Act Microbial, Inc. The
treatment systems of PRO-ACT MICROBIAL® are
protected by U.S. Patent No. 7,267,766. Other U.S.
and foreign patents pending. |